PALS Program Coordinator
Summer is almost here! And, our volunteer Program Leads have been working tirelessly to plan welcoming, inclusive, and FUN programs for this much anticipated season!
PALS Leadership Summits have a goal of providing our Program Leads with the space to further understand the priorities of the organization, receive training that enables them to successfully execute their role, and have the opportunity to collaborate with fellow leaders and PALS Staff. This season, we hosted two virtual Leadership Summits that allowed our Program Leads to do just this!
The first Leadership Summit took place in February and focused on the priorities of the organization and how Program Leads play a vital role in bringing the mission to life through our week-long programming. PALS had the opportunity to partner with OAAARS, an organization that provides social justice-centered training and education to create safer and more inclusive spaces, to provide Program Leads with a session that challenged them to think about how they will build inclusive and equitable spaces at PALS.
“I am committed to creating a safe, non-reactive space for everyone to speak their truth, show who they are, and be met with acceptance. I am committed to fostering a space that allows for people to be their authentic selves and for us to meet them where they are so I, and we can appreciate the things that make them, them!”
We closed out the first summit by asking our Program Leads, “Why PALS?” This question grounds each of us in why we are a part of this PALS family and what inspires the work that we do. Each Program Lead was given time to write their “Why PALS” that were then read aloud by their fellow leaders.
“In a world where I have felt so uncomfortable and excluded in certain spaces, PALS has always been a place where I’ve been able to be my true self. I want to bring the atmosphere that we can create at camp everywhere I go.”
“Race, gender, sexuality, and ability are such beautiful things and it’s what scatters our world with little joys. I come to PALS each year to support this mission and inspire others around me to have an open heart and mind. I want my students to grow up in a world where they don’t have to be afraid to be themselves.”
The second Leadership Summit took place in April and was an opportunity for Program Leads to see familiar faces again! We began the weekend paying respect to our summer of Zoom in 2020 by doing the fan-favorite scavenger hunt!
This weekend was dedicated to providing Program Leads with the training to ensure that we run safe and high-quality programs this summer, in alignment with the American Camp Association. After a weekend of training, brainstorming, and discussions, we were joined by another very special guest, Tim Shiver. Tim is the current Chair of the PALS Executive Board and has been a part of the organization since 2009. Tim closed out the weekend reminding Program Leads of the growth PALS has had since its inception and the incredible steps that they are helping us to take this summer.
We cannot wait to begin the 2022 summer season and our Program Leads are ready to bring you the PALS magic!